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A Record of Friendships (Hardback)
  • A Record of Friendships (Hardback)

A Record of Friendships (Hardback)

Hardback 64 Pages
Published: 01/11/2005

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This terrific new journal from Anne Geddes offers a fun way to record all the important details about friendships. Featuring the colourful imagery from Down in the Garden and Until Now, A Record of Friendships has space for you and up to seven friends to list all the things that make your friendships special. There's room for friends to reveal important titbits of information about themselves - from star signs and favourite sayings to the best place to shop and, of course, boyfriends. The 'What's Hot ...and What's Not' pages offer space to record what's cool and totally uncool - including actors and actresses, movies, TV shows, bands, songs and teachers. There's even a place for photos and plenty of room to be creative with pages designed to let you and your friends write, draw or paste whatever you want. An Anne Geddes journal wouldn't be complete without that 'special' touch - in this case, an envelope inserted in the back of the book so you can cleverly safeguard your 'secret' notes from friends. A Record of Friendships will provide hours of fun for girls and is a great way to ensure that memories of childhood friends are saved forever.

Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
ISBN: 9780740755989
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 363 g
Dimensions: 232 x 180 x 11 mm

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