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A Marvellous Light: Signed Exclusive Edition - The Last Binding (Hardback)
  • A Marvellous Light: Signed Exclusive Edition - The Last Binding (Hardback)
  • A Marvellous Light: Signed Exclusive Edition - The Last Binding (Hardback)
A Marvellous Light: Signed Exclusive Edition - The Last Binding (Hardback)

A Marvellous Light: Signed Exclusive Edition - The Last Binding (Hardback)

Hardback 384 Pages
Published: 09/12/2021
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Waterstones Says

Merging The Binding with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Marske's irresisitible debut is set in an alternate Edwardian England suffused by magic where a baronet becomes embroiled in a dastardly plot that threatens the very fabric of the British Isles.

Signed Exclusive Edition with exclusive sprayed edge

A standard edition is available here

Set in an alternative Edwardian England, this is a comedy of manners, manor houses, and hedge mazes: including a magic-infused murder mystery and a delightful queer romance.

Young baronet Robin Blyth thought he was taking up a minor governmental post. However, he's actually been appointed parliamentary liaison to a secret magical society. If it weren't for this administrative error, he'd never have discovered the incredible magic underlying his world.

Cursed by mysterious attackers and plagued by visions, Robin becomes determined to drag answers from his missing predecessor - but he'll need the help of Edwin Courcey, his hostile magical-society counterpart. Unwillingly thrown together, Robin and Edwin will discover a plot that threatens every magician in the British Isles.

Publisher: Pan Macmillan
ISBN: 2928377072384
Number of pages: 384
Dimensions: 234 x 153 mm

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Maureen at Waterstones Belfast

“Couldn't put it down!”

I nearly missed my train stop more than once reading this novel, it's so engrossing. As a lover of both classic British literature and fantasy, I thought this might be right up my alley- I was right!

The... More

Hardback edition
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Dan - Clifton, Bristol.


When baronet Robin Blyth is thrust into a role that he’s not entirely sure he should be in which his official position being a liaison to a magical society, being veiled away from those of the normal world, he is in... More

Hardback edition
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“A Stunning Debut”

Agghh this book was so lovely.
The characters were very vivid and tangible, even the ones we only briefly encountered. I did have to draw out Edwin's family tree at one point because they all had very similar... More

Hardback edition
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