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A God in Every Stone (Hardback)
  • A God in Every Stone (Hardback)

A God in Every Stone (Hardback)

Hardback 320 Pages
Published: 10/04/2014

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July 1914. Young Englishwoman Vivian Rose Spencer is running up a mountainside in an ancient land, surrounded by figs and cypresses. Soon she will discover the Temple of Zeus, the call of adventure, and the ecstasy of love. Thousands of miles away a twenty-year old Pathan, Qayyum Gul, is learning about brotherhood and loyalty in the British Indian army. July, 1915. Qayyum Gul is returning home after losing an eye at Ypres, his allegiances in tatters. Viv is following the mysterious trail of her beloved. They meet on a train to Peshawar, unaware that a connection is about to be forged between their lives - one that will reveal itself fifteen years later, on the Street of Storytellers, when a brutal fight for freedom, an ancient artefact and a mysterious green-eyed woman will bring them together again. A powerful story of friendship, injustice, love and betrayal, A God in Every Stone carries you across the globe, into the heart of empires fallen and conquered, reminding us that we all have our place in the chaos of history and that so much of what is lost will not be forgotten.

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
ISBN: 9781408847206
Number of pages: 320
Weight: 608 g
Dimensions: 234 x 153 mm

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“A thought provoking read”

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“Stylish and thoughtful”

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