A Cat Called Dog 2 - The One with the Kittens (Hardback)
Jem Vanston (author)Published: 31/08/2017
Publisher: Austin Macauley Publishers
ISBN: 9781786293398
Number of pages: 194
Dimensions: 245 x 331 mm
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Jem Vanston‘s book ‘A Cat Called Dog 2: The One With The Kittens’ is a romp of a read, with all the cast from his first book: ‘A Cat Called Dog’, namely, George, the elderly ginger cat, Dog, the kitten-cat, one-eyed... More
“A brilliant sequel - a wonderful and hilarious read for children and adults”
I have to confess I am a huge fan of these books and have reread the first A Cat Called Dog so many times I can probably quote them word for word at length.
But really, these are great cat books - and A Cat Called...
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