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Rotten and Rascal (Paperback)
  • Rotten and Rascal (Paperback)

Rotten and Rascal (Paperback)

Paperback 32 Pages
Published: 03/01/2013
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Rotten and Rascal are quarrelling twin baby pterosaurs, who yell, shout, screech, howl, scream and snarl at each other all day long. One day a terrible argument begins and one by one the other dinosaurs try to resolve their noisy dispute. But the two terrible pterosaur twins prove impossible to shut up. Until, that is, the terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex steps in and finally silences them!

Publisher: Andersen Press Ltd
ISBN: 9781849395632
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 186 g
Dimensions: 265 x 216 x 4 mm


"Paul Geraghty is an artist who never puts a foot wrong." - Bookseller

"If you want to create a stunned silence at bedtime after any amount of babble and hullabaloo, Rotten and Rascal is the book for you." - The Guardian

"If your child loves dinosaurs, this is a very funny take on the prehistoric world." - Junior Bookshelf

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