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Gracie, the Lighthouse Cat (Hardback)
  • Gracie, the Lighthouse Cat (Hardback)

Gracie, the Lighthouse Cat (Hardback)

Hardback 32 Pages
Published: 04/03/2010
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One stormy night Grace Darling, the lighthouse keeper's daughter, spots a ship in trouble on the rocks. At the same time the lighthouse cat Gracie spots that a kitten from her new litter has strayed. Grace and Gracie both hurry to the rescue, braving the rain and storm. Grace alerts her father and together they take out the lifeboat; Gracie ventures into the dark night and howling wind looking and listening everywhere for her kitten.

Publisher: Andersen Press Ltd
ISBN: 9781842709719
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 377 g
Dimensions: 278 x 237 x 10 mm

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