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Night-Time Tale (Paperback)
  • Night-Time Tale (Paperback)

Night-Time Tale (Paperback)

Paperback 32 Pages
Published: 03/05/2007
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The little one has had a bad dream. He dreamt he was lost in a dark forest, and found a house made of sweets. But before he could enjoy eating any, an old witch came and frightened him away. He ran straight into a girl in a red cloak, on her way to her grandmother's. But he took one look at the grandmother and was so frightened he ran away again, only to find himself at the base of a giant beanstalk. A giant tumbled down it, creating a huge hole in the ground, and the little one fell into the hole with a bump! And then he woke up. So he climbs in with Mama Bear, and goes back to sleep, much happier. But who is that climbing into his little bed? Could it be Goldilocks?

Publisher: Andersen Press Ltd
ISBN: 9781842704752
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 170 g
Dimensions: 263 x 218 x 4 mm

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