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Intrusion (Paperback)
  • Intrusion (Paperback)

Intrusion (Paperback)

2 Reviews Sign in to write a review
Paperback 416 Pages
Published: 07/03/2013
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'Insightful and ingenious . . . Intrusion is both horrific and comic, and deals movingly with the consequences of genetic fixes' - GUARDIAN

'Intrusion is a finely-tuned, in-your-face argument of a novel . . . MacLeod will push your buttons - and make you think' - SFX

Imagine a near-future city, say London, where medical science has advanced beyond our own and a single-dose pill has been developed that, taken when pregnant, eradicates many common genetic defects from an unborn child.

Hope Morrison, mother of a hyperactive four-year-old, is expecting her second child. She refuses to take The Fix, as the pill is known. This divides her family and friends and puts her and her husband in danger of imprisonment or worse. Is her decision a private matter of individual choice, or is it tantamount to willful neglect of her unborn child?

A plausible and original novel with sinister echoes of 1984 and Brave New World.

Books by Ken MacLeod:

Fall Revolution
The Star Fraction
The Stone Canal
The Cassini Division
The Sky Road

Engines of Light
Cosmonaut Keep
Dark Light
Engine City

Corporation Wars Trilogy

The Human Front
Newton's Wake
Learning the World
The Execution Channel
The Restoration Game

Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group
ISBN: 9781841499406
Number of pages: 416
Weight: 292 g
Dimensions: 198 x 130 x 26 mm


This near-future sci-fi novel could almost be a sequel to George Orwell's 1984 - 2084, perhaps - THE SUN

A steely, brilliant piece of work - DAILY TELEGRAPH

Ken MacLeod is the modern day George Orwell - SFX

Stylish, witty, and engaging! - SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE

Far more fun than deep space drama has any right to be...Just read the book. Then read it again. It's even better the second time. - SFX

Exciting...Accessible to the average reader as well as the hardcore SF fan. This is a work sure to keep the reader on the edge of her seat. - ROMANTIC TIMES BOOKCLUB

Insightful and ingenious . . . Intrusion is both horrific and comic, and deals movingly with the consequences of genetic fixes - GUARDIAN

A steely, brilliant piece of work - DAILY TELEGRAPH

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“Good book, good story”

Paperback edition
Helpful? Upvote 36


A chilling look into a near future dystopian Britain where advances in medical science seem to give women the answer to genetic defects in their unborn children. Would you take the fix? Are you prepared for the... More

Paperback edition
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