Danger was forgotten, death was forgotten, the war was forgotten. They only knew they had to kill... The figures in khaki were no longer soldiers, no longer men.
Sven Hassel and his comrades are once more hurled into the ferocity of the frontline.
The Eastern Front is a sight of unprecedented destruction. The soldiers there - the tank battalions of Hitler's penal regiments - are considered expendable by the German high command.
Treated like animals, they learn to live like animals, to fight like beasts. The only other option is to die a bloody death...
This is a gripping testament to the soldiers sacrificed on the Russian Front.
Publisher: Orion Publishing Co
ISBN: 9781780228167
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 197 g
Dimensions: 195 x 132 x 18 mm
In essence this is an expose of the absurdity of war, and a moving plea for peace. As such, it takes its rank with far milder books, such as ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT - NEWSDAYHassel's books of war are the most powerful I have ever readHe is graphic, at times brilliantly so, but never brutal or bitter. He is, too, a first rate storyteller - WASHINGTON POSTSven Hassel is one of the best European novelists around, with a flair for excitement that has few equals - STAFFORDSHIRE EVENING STANDARD
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