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Seven Lives and One Great Love: Memoirs of a Cat (Paperback)
  • Seven Lives and One Great Love: Memoirs of a Cat (Paperback)

Seven Lives and One Great Love: Memoirs of a Cat (Paperback)

(author), (translator)
Paperback 160 Pages
Published: 15/05/2014
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Cunning, tender, ferocious, underhanded, ingenious, foolish and completely adorable. These words describe the hero of this novel, Sugar, a cat with a keen wit and a reflective nature. This is a love story of epic dimensions between Sugar and Madamigella, his human, a writer with a frenetic and impossibly dispersive life. With wit and a broad repertoire of cultural references, Sugar recounts his days and nights spent with Madamigella in a novel that fits squarely into the illustrious tradition of feline literature a la T.S. Eliot, Poe, Baudelaire, Bukowski and Celine.

Publisher: Europa Editions
ISBN: 9781609451974
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 191 g
Dimensions: 210 x 135 x 15 mm

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