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The Eyes of Venice (Paperback)
  • The Eyes of Venice (Paperback)

The Eyes of Venice (Paperback)

(author), (translator)
Paperback 448 Pages
Published: 08/11/2013
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Venice at the end of the 1500s is an unforgiving city. The Doge rules with an iron fist and the Holy Office harbours suspicions about everything and everyone. The Republic watches and listens, then passes judgment swiftly. Michele, a young stonemason, has been accused of a crime he didn't commit. Afraid for his life, he flees the city aboard a galley carrying gold coin, leaving behind his young wife, Bianca. Banished from his home, Michele embarks on an adventure around the Mediterranean whilst Bianca is forced to survive alone in a dangerous city.

Publisher: Europa Editions
ISBN: 9781609450823
Number of pages: 448
Dimensions: 210 x 135 mm

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