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NIV Manga Bible: The NIV Bible with 64 pages of Bible stories retold manga-style - New International Version (Paperback)
  • NIV Manga Bible: The NIV Bible with 64 pages of Bible stories retold manga-style - New International Version (Paperback)

NIV Manga Bible: The NIV Bible with 64 pages of Bible stories retold manga-style - New International Version (Paperback)

(author), (illustrator)
Paperback 1280 Pages
Published: 20/10/2016

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Graphic Artist Siku uses Manga to illustrate the story of the Bible - from creation and Noah, exile and exodus, through judges and kings and prophets of old; on to the liberation that Jesus then brings to the world and the powerful movement that follows...
With full-colour plates within the full NIV Bible text, this is a great way to refresh the way we look at Scripture and to encourage new readers to engage with the remarkable stories and message it holds.
The New International Version is the world's most popular Bible in modern English and is known for its combination of accuracy and clarity of language. This Bible includes shortcuts to key people, events, miracles and stories in the Bible as well as reading plans and a list of Scriptures that offer help and guidance in life situations.

Publisher: John Murray Press
ISBN: 9781473637405
Number of pages: 1280
Weight: 682 g
Dimensions: 197 x 134 x 35 mm

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“An Engaging Bible”

The new NIV Manga Bible, I believe is one of the most engaging for the youth of today, it may shock some of the traditionalists but to me it is refreshing way to present the Bible. It also shows via Manga artist Siku,... More

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