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Kids Can Cope: Face Your Fears - Kids Can Cope (Paperback)
  • Kids Can Cope: Face Your Fears - Kids Can Cope (Paperback)

Kids Can Cope: Face Your Fears - Kids Can Cope (Paperback)

(author), (illustrator)
Paperback 32 Pages
Published: 12/11/2020
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Being scared or afraid is a feeling that everyone has. Sometimes the things that scare children are real; things like spiders and snakes, thunder and lightning. Sometimes the things children get scared about are not real; things like monsters. They're not real but the fear of them is real.

Face Your Fears understands how and why children get scared. It helps children learn to manage and overcome their fears. It explains how they can make a plan and take steps towards doing something that scares them until they can do the thing they're afraid of and hardly be scared at all.

Face Your Fears gives children solutions that really work. With this book, children can learn how to keep their fears in perspective and feel safe and happier.

Publisher: Hachette Children's Group
ISBN: 9781445166100
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 148 g
Dimensions: 264 x 210 x 6 mm

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