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Bounce Back: Overcoming Setbacks to Succeed in Business and in Life (Paperback)
  • Bounce Back: Overcoming Setbacks to Succeed in Business and in Life (Paperback)

Bounce Back: Overcoming Setbacks to Succeed in Business and in Life (Paperback)

Paperback 320 Pages
Published: 31/08/2010
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If recent history has taught us anything, it’s that nobody goes through life unscathed—no matter how rich, how smart, how talented, or how fortunate they may be. White collar, blue collar, or no collar, there is an undeniable commonality to the raw emotion that strikes people when they are knocked down.

University of Kentucky basketball coach John Calipari has experienced his share of public setbacks, but he has learned that bad situations are permanent only if you allow them to be. What Coach Cal—as players, peers, and his legion of fans that make up the Big Blue Nation call him—learned from his experiences was the importance of having the right attitude when dealing with life’s major impediments. On the court and off, he emphasizes to his players that a big part of success is being able to handle obstacles. Now he is offering you the chance to learn the same strategies that he teaches the young men who play for him. By becoming an active participant in your own resurrection—through practice exercises and tips from Coach Cal and his deep bench of highly successful people—you too will gain the tools and insight to understand that it’s never a matter of how far you have fallen, but instead it’s about how high you bounce back.

Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781416597551
Number of pages: 320
Weight: 337 g
Dimensions: 216 x 140 x 23 mm

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