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Strategize to Win: The New Way to Start Out, Step Up or Start Over in Your Career (Paperback)
  • Strategize to Win: The New Way to Start Out, Step Up or Start Over in Your Career (Paperback)

Strategize to Win: The New Way to Start Out, Step Up or Start Over in Your Career (Paperback)

Paperback 256 Pages
Published: 01/09/2022
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Whether you're starting out, striving toward a promotion, or looking for a new opportunity, the working world is changing. Discover how to manage your career and position yourself for success no matter the environment.

Wall Street powerhouse Carla Harris has distilled the tools you will need to get started; get unstuck from bad situations or redirect your momentum. With her trademark galvanizing advice, Harris identifies and clarifies issues that are often murky, offering lessons on:

· Identifying and making the most of your work profile
· Preparing for a career change without going back to school or taking a step down
· Honing three essential skills industry leaders possess
· Tuning into unspoken cues
· Thriving through change

With practical advice on planning your career, interview techniques and negotiating compensation, Strategize to Win presents battle-tested tools that Carla has used to launch and sustain her own successful career. Her book will help you move forward, recover from setbacks and set yourself up for success.

Publisher: John Murray Press
ISBN: 9781399806084
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 260 g
Dimensions: 214 x 134 x 26 mm


A highly practical guide for people in their early to mid-careers or newly transitioning to a corporate environment. The rich examples make unspoken expectations in corporate environments visible and the step-by-step instructions will be very helpful for people who are struggling to navigate their personal and professional lives in today's corporate environment. - Lakshmi Ramarajan, Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School

Everyone who strives to get ahead wants and needs mentors, but most of us lack them. Strategize to Win is a mentor in book form, giving you direct access to some of the finest career advice you'll ever get from one of the best mentors you could ever have. - Earl G. Graves Jr., President and CEO, Black Enterprise

An indispensable guide to finding the career that's right for you and strategizing your way to the top. Chock full of case studies and practical advice, it's an essential tool for professionals at any stage of their careers. - Dorie Clark, author of Reinventing You

Wouldn't it be great if there was an instruction manual on 'becoming a professional?' Incredibly, Carla Harris has written it. Strategize to Win is packed with wisdom and incisive advice. I highly recommend it to anyone, at any stage in thier career. - Jessica Bacal, author of Mistakes I Made at Work

Carla's advice is as practical as it is precise; it's down to earth and authentic, clearly from the pen of someone who has walked the walk. You'll find something in this book to use every day. - Gloria Feldt, Co-founder and President of Take The Lead and author of No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power

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