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Jamaica Primary Mathematics Book 1 NSC Edition (Paperback)
  • Jamaica Primary Mathematics Book 1 NSC Edition (Paperback)

Jamaica Primary Mathematics Book 1 NSC Edition (Paperback)

(author), (author of contributions)
Paperback 280 Pages
Published: 25/08/2023
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Make maths fun, attainable and relevant with a series specifically designed for Jamaica's National Standard Curriculum by an expert team of authors in consultation with Jamaican educators.
- Enter new topics with exciting chapter openers and Starting point activities to determine prior knowledge and learning readiness.
- Develop analytical skills with features such as Problem solving and Real-life maths activities.
- Provide a solid foundation for learning and PEP preparation at grades 4-6.
- Consolidate learning at the beginning and end of each chapter with objectives and What I have learned activities.

Publisher: Hachette Learning
ISBN: 9781398327641
Number of pages: 280
Weight: 740 g
Dimensions: 296 x 210 x 18 mm

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