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We Are the Fire (Hardback)
  • We Are the Fire (Hardback)

We Are the Fire (Hardback)

2 Reviews Sign in to write a review
Hardback 416 Pages
Published: 01/03/2021

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In the cold, treacherous land of Vesimaa, children are stolen from their families, forced to undergo a horrific transformative procedure and serve as magical fire-wielding soldiers. Pran and Oksana - both taken from their homes at a young age - only have each other to hold onto in this heartless place.

Pran dreams of one day destroying the empire; Oksana only dreams of returning home.

When they discover the emperor has a new, more terrible mission than ever for them, Pran and Oksana vow to escape his tyranny forever. But they soon find that the only way to defeat the monsters that subjugated them may be to become monsters themselves.

Publisher: St Martin's Press
ISBN: 9781250241429
Number of pages: 416
Weight: 482 g
Dimensions: 217 x 147 x 37 mm

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“Against all odds fantasy with unique magic elements.”

(TW: Some extreme harm/death of young people and experimentation.)

"Rebel with flame.. and you die by flame. We are watching."

'We Are the Fire' is the fantasy debut novel by Sam Taylor that... More

Hardback edition
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Victoria Alyesa

“Bring on the Fire”

4.5/5 stars - A beautiful cover and a story you can connect with…what more can you want.

Right from the start this story had me. The writing is captivating and the story original (which is hard to find these days).... More

Hardback edition
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