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Say No To Arthritis: The proven drug-free guide to preventing and relieving arthritis (Paperback)
  • Say No To Arthritis: The proven drug-free guide to preventing and relieving arthritis (Paperback)

Say No To Arthritis: The proven drug-free guide to preventing and relieving arthritis (Paperback)

(author), (illustrator)
3 Reviews Sign in to write a review
Paperback 384 Pages
Published: 01/01/2006

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Arthritis is a debilitating and painful disease for millions of people. In this updated and expanded book, leading nutrition expert Patrick Holford highlights the latest research on arthritis and how the disease can be prevented or alleviated by the correct diet and supplement programme.
SAY NO TO ARTHRITIS examines the various forms of the disease, and how it is affected by the foods you eat, exercise and even the attitude you have towards your symptoms. This invaluable knowledge is brought to life with a practical and easy-to-follow anti-arthritis action plan that includes guidance on what to eat, the appropriate supplements to take, which exercises can reduce pain and how to reduce stress in order to ease symptoms.

Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group
ISBN: 9780749920135
Number of pages: 384
Weight: 400 g
Dimensions: 214 x 134 x 32 mm

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“Say No to Arthritis”

I like the author's emphasis on treating diseases without using prescription drugs. This book gives you better understanding of arthritis, some preventative options, and several approaches for treating this... More

Paperback edition
Helpful? Upvote 68

“Useful guide”

Being recently diagnosed during Lockdown with Rheumatoid Arthritis I am keen to find out way to help myself with this disease by way of diet and supplements after initial stabilisation. Lots of useful hints and tips... More

Paperback edition
Helpful? Upvote 15

“Advertising disguised as science..”

I was shockeded to find this author promoting a named brand of breakfast cereal (p 257), and checked out his credentials on line. This author's only proper qualification (apart from those he has awarded himself!)... More

Paperback edition
Helpful? Upvote 14

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