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Over or Under? (Hardback)
  • Over or Under? (Hardback)

Over or Under? (Hardback)

(author), (illustrator)
Hardback 32 Pages
Published: 30/10/2024
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I'm jumping waves at the beach with Dad.If they're small I can leap over their frothy peaks.Easy!But further out, when they're big, you have to duck dive under.Maisie is learning about ocean swimming at the beach. The small waves are easy, but how will she know when to dive under the bigger ones? And will she be brave enough to try? Lucky Dad is there to help her.A beautiful picture book from acclaimed author Pip Harry and award-winning illustrator Hilary Jean Tapper.'Enjoy a slice of summer and the swimming safety tips wrapped up in this delightfully illustrated read' THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY

Publisher: Hachette Australia
ISBN: 9780734421807
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 300 g
Dimensions: 225 x 291 mm

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