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The Energies of Love: Using Energy Medicine to Keep Your Relationship Thriving (Paperback)
  • The Energies of Love: Using Energy Medicine to Keep Your Relationship Thriving (Paperback)

The Energies of Love: Using Energy Medicine to Keep Your Relationship Thriving (Paperback)

(author), (author)
Paperback 400 Pages
Published: 04/09/2014
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A relationship begins with the meeting of two unique energies. This union of energies determines the way you communicate, fight, love, and want to be loved. Donna Eden and David Feinstein draw on the real-life experiences of couples who have attended their popular 'Energies of Love' workshops, as well as their own experience as husband and wife, to show how an understanding of your energy system and that of your partner can help you build a more harmonious and loving bond.

We all have different ways of making sense of the world around us, but when faced with conflict, especially with those we care most about, we tend to revert to one of four 'Energetic Stress Styles':

* Visuals are extremely passionate and inspire others. In moments of conflict, their take on the situation can overshadow what is occurring, undermining their ability to empathize with their partner.
* Kinaesthetics are generous and compassionate but their caring nature pulls them in too many directions. They try to meet others' needs at the expense of their own, causing resentment.
* Digitals are rational and principled but they can become closed to others' perspectives and feelings.
* Tonals have a gift for understanding others but during conflict they can often misinterpret the signs, hearing what was never said, felt, or thought.

The Energies of Love is filled with tools to help you diffuse arguments and energy exercises to increase your overall sense of joy and wellbeing. This practical guide serves as a powerful resource for anyone who wishes to build a rich partnership while maintaining the spark that keeps a relationship exciting.

Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group
ISBN: 9780349406435
Number of pages: 400
Weight: 540 g
Dimensions: 214 x 152 x 24 mm


The Energies of Love heralds a revolution in our understanding of relationships. I believe it to be one of the most important books of our time . . . - Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Plunge into The Energies of Love and let Donna Eden and David Feinstein reveal how love means going beyond the individual, local self to that nonlocal, infinite, boundless domain where true love actually resides. This is an important book for anyone who wants to take their relationship to the next level - Larry Dossey, MD, author of Healing Words and One Mind

The Energies of Love is an inspiring application of energy concepts and techniques for illuminating and nurturing the love that all couples seek. Combining insights from science and clinical practice with a wide array of revealing stories and a toolbox of practical techniques, the authors demonstrate the power of energy methods for helping relationships thrive - Eric Leskowitz, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Donna Eden and David Feinstein empower readers with knowledge and techniques from ancient energy healing and spiritual practices that will forever change the way you understand relationship. These are revolutionary ideas! I highly recommend The Energies of Love - John Gray, Ph.D., Men Are From Mars, Women are from Venus

Donna Eden and David Feinstein explore the 'energy dimension' (what we call the "Space Between") and provide wonderful practices for experimenting, understanding, and opening to the awareness of that shared space - Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., & Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., Co-authors, Making Marriage Simple

The Energies of Love is a fresh, potent, practical approach to relationships. It addresses the vital topic of how to keep the energy of relationship positive and growing, a key to conscious evolution for both people and the planet - Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.,Author, Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

Is there anything new that can be said about love? Yes there is, and you can find it in this remarkable book. If this tattered world of ours is going survive, it will be through the energies of love. Donna Eden and David Feinstein bring a fresh understanding to that timeless yet urgent pursuit - Stanley Krippner, PhD, Co-author, The Realms of Healing

If you want more love and joy in your life, this book is your road map! The Energies of Love provides potent tools and guidance to improve your relationships at the most fundamental, rapid, and enduring level - Ellen Eatough, The Soulful Sex Coach,

Based on the real-life experiences of couples who have attended the author's popular 'Energies of Love' workshops, as well as their own experience as husband and wife, this is a practical programme for partners to understand each other's stress style, deal with arguments in a more constructive way and maintain the spark that keeps the relationship exciting. Packed full of exercises, tips and techniques, couples can learn to communicated effectively, heal problems and rifts and access deeper joy and a greater sense of wellbeing. Highly recommended - Yoga Magazine

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