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Maya Angelou: The Complete Poetry (Hardback)
  • Maya Angelou: The Complete Poetry (Hardback)

Maya Angelou: The Complete Poetry (Hardback)

Hardback 336 Pages
Published: 31/03/2015
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From her reflections on African American life and hardship in Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'fore I Diiie to her revolutionary celebrations of womanhood in Phenomenal Woman and Still I Rise, and her elegant tributes to dignitaries Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela (On the Pulse of Morning and His Day Is Done, respectively), every inspiring word of Maya Angelou's poetry is included in the pages of this volume.

Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group
ISBN: 9780349006215
Number of pages: 336
Weight: 462 g
Dimensions: 225 x 160 x 31 mm


One of the brightest lights of our time -- a brilliant writer, a fierce friend, and a truly phenomenal woman - Barack Obama

The poems and stories she wrote and read to us in her commanding voice were gifts of wisdom and wit, courage and grace . . . I will always be grateful for her electrifying reading of 'On the Pulse of Morning' at my first inaugural, and even more for all the years of friendship that followed - Bill Clinton

The world knows her as a poet but at the heart of her, she was a teacher. "When you learn, teach. When you get, give" is one of my best lessons from her - Oprah Winfrey

You will hear the regal woman, the mischievous street girl; you will hear the price of black woman's survival and you will hear of her generosity. Black, bitter, and beautiful, she speaks of our survival - James Baldwin

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