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Instant Manager: Working with People - IMC (Paperback)
  • Instant Manager: Working with People - IMC (Paperback)

Instant Manager: Working with People - IMC (Paperback)

Paperback 272 Pages
Published: 29/10/2010
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Whether you are building your career as a manager by taking professional qualifications or you simply want to hone your management skills this Instant Manager title, backed by the authority of the CMI, the leading UK professional body, is exactly what you need!

Including a fascinating interview with Digby, Lord Jones, formerly Chief Executive of the CBI, the UK Skills Envoy and Minister of State for Trade & Investment, this is an inexpensive, concise but above all authoritative guide to getting results. Based on ten key questions, each chapter ends with a summary and action checklist to crystallise what you have learnt. The portable format allows you to carry the book wherever you go and to fit learning and development into your busy work life.

Instant Manager: Working with People provides a readable and practical introduction to the subject, including:

Developing working relationships with colleagues;, recruiting & selecting people; dealing with problems; building and managing teams & managing conflict; meetings; developing people; disciplinary, grievance and termination matters; building relationships with other organisations

Backed by the authority of the CMI, this is an essential addition to the manager's library.

Publisher: John Murray Press
ISBN: 9780340947364
Number of pages: 272
Weight: 224 g
Dimensions: 198 x 129 x 18 mm

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