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The Waterstones Podcast - Outrage

Posted on 30th June 2020 by Mark Skinner

Your chance to hear authors going beyond the book to talk about the themes and ideas that obsess us all.


Anyone who has spent any time on social media will have seen how outrage provides the fuel for many a discussion. And despite well-meaning intentions, is our desire to make the world a better place being clouded by the rush to insult, and those moments where we can be baited into a response? BBC presenter and DJ Ashley ‘Dotty’ Charles is familiar with the provocations of the modern world and joined us for a discussion about returning to a truer course of activism, recorded in the midst of the Black Lives Matter protests.

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Exploring the insatiable taste for outrage in today’s world, BBC presenter and DJ Ashley ‘Dotty’ Charles calls for a return to civility in this brilliant, punchy book.

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