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The Waterstones Podcast - Coping with Change

Posted on 8th April 2020 by Mark Skinner

Your chance to hear authors going beyond the book to talk about the themes and ideas that obsess us all.

Coping with Change

As a psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience Julia Samuel knows that change can present moments of crisis and crisis can force moments of extreme change. Her new book, This Too Shall Pass, looks at the moments of change any of us might face in our lifetime and as well as speaking to her about that, we wanted to know what lessons from her book might help us all to navigate the current crisis.

Featured in this week's podcast

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This Too Shall Pass is a powerful meditation on the difficulty of decision-making in a culture of endless choice. Drawing from conversations with her patients, renowned psychotherapist Julia Samuel explores a range of deeply moving stories of change, opportunity and loss. This touching book is full of insight into navigating challenging and transformative crossroads moments in our lives.

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